Link to Resume – Ria Hollister 2020.PDF

This resume shows a variety of skills I have obtained over the course of my relevant education and training. Many of the jobs I have worked at do not directly link to teaching, however, everything here led me to my teaching career journey I am experiencing now. I still practice my ability and enhance my skills as a childcare provider and always find ways to add to my skill set. I believe working in a kitchen is an excellent reflection of my ability to work under pressure and to continually learn new things. As for serving, this job has equipped me with the ability to effectively speak to individuals and train new staff. I was able to gain experience with teaching new skills and help the trainee to succeed in their new atmosphere. As for my experience with working as a property management assistant and a secretary provided me with the skills to work with a variety of technologies. My experience from working with a wide range of skill sets displays my ability to adapt to many atmospheres, enhancing my work ethic and providing myself with ample life experiences. My desire to learn is continuous and my passion to grow is endless.