A variety of classes throughout my undergrad pertained to the focus of teaching and learning. I listed a few in which I found to be the most informative toward my teaching practice. These courses helped to define some of the key facets toward my teaching philosophy and added to my range of learning experiences, helping to fulfill my dream of becoming a future educator. Throughout my undergrad I always chose classes with the end in mind. I wanted to ensure that the courses I was taking not only educated me about the topic, but helped influence my future teaching practice. Taking initiative to ensure I will be equipped to teach young impressionable minds is a high priority.


MATH 1900: Mathematics for Teachers

This course helped to further develop my knowledge toward mathematics and about the importance of knowing what you are teaching before going forth to teach it to your students. Teaching students blindly will do more harm than good in my opinion, therefore, learning strategies and tricks to strengthen your teaching approach toward mathematics will reflect positively on students learning. I know that my education of mathematics does not end here, in that to be the teacher I envision, I will continue to find approaches to reach all my students individual learning needs. Developing positive mindsets toward mathematics is what I wish to guide all my future students toward.


HIST 2700: History of Women in Canadian Society

I found this course to be enlightening toward my journey to becoming a teacher. I believe it is important to understand and inform my views of the past in order to understand the present. Knowing the history of women, and the courage many had in pursuing their rights and freedoms helped to drive my passion for education and the desire to educate vulnerable persons. This course helped me to understand the importance of pursuing dreams and never settling for anything less. Furthermore, this course resonates along with my family’s history of education in that my sister and myself are the first females in our immediate family to continue onto post-secondary education.


ENGL 3180: Children’s Literature

This children’s literature course further developed my understanding toward the importance of literature in a classroom. All the stories we covered during this course had valuable opportunities for both teaching and learning. Understanding the hidden messages in children’s literature is a valuable learning experience for students and helps to develop their critical thinking skills and improve language skills, thus providing a strong foundation for learning. I believe that helping students explore their wonders, curiosity and voice are all pieces of learning that guide students toward a deeper level of thinking and understanding. This course highlighted the importance of imagination for children who are developing and how to provide students with moments to explore their imaginations.


EDTL 3100: Teaching and Learning

I found this “Teaching and Learning” course to go above and beyond to inform me about teaching and learning and the value it has in a classroom. The entire process of lesson planning terrified me at the beginning of this course as it was foreign territory. After taking the time, and having the support from the professor my experience during my practicum was quite successful and soon after lesson planning quickly became a second language to me. This course provided me with the necessary and essential tools to enter my first practicum experience feeling equipped and ready to teach a variety of lessons.


EDIE 3100: Child Development and Teaching

This course sparked my interest as we covered a range of historical moments pertaining to education. History is a topic that I have always enjoyed and this course provided me with an overall understanding behind the history of education. The topic we covered that resonated the most with me was exploring the atrocities and horrors of residential schools. The Truth and Reconciliation aspect of the Bachelor of Education program is important for myself as a future educator because having the knowledge and understanding about this allows me to provide all students with an equal chance. As a future teacher, I want to ensure that every student who comes through my door is provided with the respect and safety that is essential for a valuable education and learning experience.